§ 153. Permit required.  

Latest version.
  • All temporary uses shall require a temporary use permit.


    The City Planner shall issue temporary use permits. Applications for a permit shall be made on forms prescribed by the City Planner. Applications shall include a site plan showing the following:


    North arrow.


    Scale drawing of not less than one (1) inch = one hundred (100) feet.


    All property lines.


    The location with dimensions and use of all proposed and existing buildings.


    The location and dimensions of all parking areas.


    Location of all public streets, driveways, walkways and curb cuts to be used.


    Location and direction of all exterior lighting.


    Location and direction of all exterior signs.


    Location of all water and sewer taps.


    Location and type of all electrical connections.


    Location of nearest fire hydrant.


    Certification by registered traffic engineer than adequate provisions have been made for traffic management on the site. The City Planner may waive the certification if deemed unnecessary due to intensity of use.


    The City Planner shall review the temporary use application and site plan for compliance with this article and other relevant zoning, development and building codes. The City Planner shall submit a copy of the application and site plan to the head of all relevant departments for comment and concurrence. The City Planner shall approve, approve with conditions or deny a temporary use permit with five (5) days of the submission of a complete application. An application shall be considered complete when accompanied by a site plan contains all of the items listed in Section II.A.1-12.


    The City Planner may waive the requirement for a site plan with an application for a seasonal produce sale and public fundraising events by non-profit organizations.


    The City Planner shall charge a fee to cover the cost of reviewing the application, issuing the permit and inspecting the site. The fee shall be twenty-five dollars ($25) per permit issued. Permit fees shall be in addition to any required bonds listed below. The City Planner may waive the fee for public fundraising events by non-profit organizations.

(Ord. No. 2001-005, § III, 3-20-2001)